The cute and loveable Fuggler line keeps going from strength to strength! On Amazon UK right now you can pre order the LORD OF THE RINGS Fuggler plushies. The line will feature Gandalf, Frodo & Gollum.
If this line sells well I can only dream that they continue the fellowship! imagine having a whole line of Fuggler Lord Of The Rings plushies on your shelf!!
Not all those who wander are lost, but it’s time to get these monsters off the streets! These Fugglers, inspired by Lord of the Rings, are a legitimate disaster and not for the faint-hearted, even if you a lord of the rings fan.
Our 9″ Fugglers are the perfect size, made from super soft plush with creepy human-like teeth. Check their rarity by looking for rare “butt-on” holes. There are 3 Lord of the Rings Fugglers to collect!
Below are the links (affiliate) where you can pre order each plush figure.
Gandalf Fuggler £9.99
Frodo Fuggler £9.99
Gollum (Sméagol) £9.99
The Entertainer Toy Shop has recently revealed that Fugglers – the weird and wonderfully mischievous plush toys – have been flying off the shelves, with sales rocketing by 247% in the past year.
Fugglers have cemented themselves as one of the fastest-growing toy brands, with The Entertainer predicting Fuggler madness is far from over – if anything, it’s just beginning.
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